Leisure and Hospitality Continues to Expand

Leisure and Hospitality Continues to Expand

The advance you see in November was the net result of hiring gains at food service establishments being partially offset by declines in hotels and in the performing arts. If you wondered where we count the cast of Hamilton in the employment statistics, now you know....
Payroll Gains Were True to Form in November

Payroll Gains Were True to Form in November

The November report was a good report and one that is consistent with what we expect at this phase of the cycle. There was nothing here to suggest that the Federal Open Market Committee [FOMC] will want to change its plans for its next scheduled rate hike. But there...
Employment Reaches a New High

Employment Reaches a New High

Total civilian employment has been setting records for new highs over the course of this expansion. The number you see here is the latest. The question is how many more will be posted before we see the end of the expansion? Stay tuned. Subscribe now!